Womb Cleaning
Abortion pills Cytotec use without doctor control and illegal is really a major process, not a simple one. You have to take care of yourself after medcal abortion procedure because you may bleed heavily, moderately, lightly or not at all, for one to three weeks after the abortion. As far as the cleaning of your womb in concern you can do it by yourself or you can also go to the doctor. If you are going to do it by yourself then you have to be very careful because the womb is a very sensitive part of a woman’s body.
That being said, it's important to understand a few things. The first is how abortion pills work. Misoprostol Ctyotec softens your cervix and causes your uterus to contract, causing cramps, as well as the expulsion of the fetal tissues in the form of bleeding and clots. If you take misoprostol on its own, when used correctly, 70-75 % of the time, up until 8weeks of pregnancy.
Another thing to understand is the fact that bleeding after taking abortion pills varies. And infection is not rare with abortion pills, but you should be aware of the signs of complications and have a plan that you can put into practice in case it happens.
Complications indicating infection include severe bleeding (more than 2 or 3 pads used every hour for more than 2 or 3 consecutive hours), severe abdominal pain that isn’t relieved with painkillers or continues for 2-3 days after taking the pills, a fever over 39º or 38º (102 or 100.4) for more than 24 hours, and abnormal vaginal discharge. If you do suspect that something is wrong, you should seek medical care immediately. These are complications that come with a natural miscarriage, so doctors in a hospital will be able to treat them without knowing that you took abortion pills.
You absolutely must make sure that your medical abortion was successful. Incomplete abortion can result in an infection, and that will likely require a health care professional to remove the fetal remains. You should have access to an ultrasound, you can get one to confirm the success of the abortion.
Remember that self-managed abortion
is not highly safe.
Womb cleaning pills are not highly safe.
If the abortion was not successful, you should absolutely go back to the doctor (and do go for a scheduled checkup to check if it was successful), because if you don’t you might end up carrying a damaged fetus after all. If abortion pills did not work properly, you can only do harm if you try to fix it yourself. So please see a doctor if you think the abortion wasn’t successful.
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Appointments may be made Monday through Saturday 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. A Whatsapp counselor will advise you about arrangements.
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Womb cleaning pills are not safe and illegal.Womb
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For many people faced with making the decision to terminate a pregnancy the cost of the procedure is also of concern.The cost of a termination is made up of different components.
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Abortion Procedure ; In our country the abortion is legal until 10 weeks of pregnancy. We calculate the dates of your pregnancy from the first date of your last menstrual period.
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